How to transport rubber sheet in winter?

人气:934 发表时间:2021-04-13

How to transport rubber sheet in winter?
Since winter, the vast majority of regions in our country have entered the haze temperature. Although it has caused great harm to everyone's work and life, the production and manufacturing of insulating rubber mats may have to be carried out again. The manufacturers of insulating rubber mats make unremitting production and manufacturing in such a natural environment, but can the subsequent transportation be carried out again?
On the whole, although the haze temperature does harm to everyone's physical and mental health, it does not do great harm to the transportation of asbestos rubber sheet, so it may be able to carry out the work of rubber mat transportation. However, in the whole process of transporting rubber mats, it is suggested that the manufacturer select the truck with the trunk, so as to avoid the accumulation of inhalable particles in the haze on the rubber mats, which will damage the appearance and quality of the board. If the transport vehicle you use does not have a trunk, cover the rubber pad with awning cloth to ensure its cleaning performance.
Not only the inhalable particles in the haze have an impact on people's body and rubber pads, but also the dense haze will continue to block the driver's vision and even cause road traffic accidents. Therefore, the manufacturers of insulating rubber mats suggest that drivers who are still persevering in transporting rubber mats in haze should pay attention to driving carefully to avoid traffic accidents.